September – the dawn of autumn.

With the kids now back at school and the nights getting darker already, we know winter is approaching with haste.

But, before it fully arrives, September and October should deliver the sweet gems of bliss we all love. – September traditionally brings superb swell, with warm water and light winds.

Silver Glass

Silver Glass - Photo by

We’ve had very little swell of any size recently, which is to be expected up here on the east coast, the picture above was taken on a freak occasion a week or two ago, the guy taking-off was actually just out paddling about for some exercise  when this slab hit. This was the only wave of the day…. nothing came before or after it…  *sigh*.

So, to get you in the mood for the what-we-hope-is coming September Sessions, we have three bits if video to share with you;

The first was a little edit I chopped together whilst out diving with the seals on the bank holiday weekend with Farne Island Divers. – Not especially surf-related, but hey, no-ones perfect.

Farne Islands Divers – Diving with Seals – August 2009 from swinhoe on Vimeo.

The second is, “Yeah Boy “- shot on location in the Mentawai’s – a wet-dream that arrives via our cohorts at If 6 Was 9 in Noosa, Queensland.

Yeah Boy from if6was9 on Vimeo.

The third is….  well, it something a bit more grounding after the Indo sequence…  – Arctic Surf Film Part 1 – via some very brave boys from California. – Good on ya…

See you in the water..